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Friday, July 27, 2012

Uber Great Designs...

Peace Worker. Great Peace Worker logo design with dove of peace and blue background circle.
Peace Worker Print
Peace Worker Print by Fastgear
View another fine art print at zazzle

 Dig It. Do you dig it, large bright text logo design with 'Dig It' motive. If you or someone you know digs it, then this may be the design for you!

Dig It Hat
Dig It Hat by Fastgear
Browse more Dig Hats

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Some Other Great Designs!

Robot Love! Even Robots can find love, two romantic robots go for a walk.



 Holiday Blues! Get away from the blues and go for the holiday blues - blue sea, blue sky, and sunshine. Time for a holiday!


Some Great New Designs!

Check Me Out! Great logo text design, 'Check Me Out', for every cool guy and girl in town.

 All Heart Silverheart Brighten up your life and the lives of all around by showing what a big silver heart you have. Great 'All Heart' text logo design.


 Black and White Bicycle! Great black or white bicycle on a chequered effect text logo stating, 'Go Ride'. Get on your bike and ride!
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